عہدِ نبوی (ﷺ)مدنی دورکے نظامِ مالیات کا جائزہ :دفاعی نقطہ نظر سے

An Overview of Financial System in Nabwi Madani Era: From a Defensive Point of View

  • Muhammad Salamatullah M.Phil Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies ,University of Agriculture Peshawar
  • Syed Naeem Badshah Chairman,Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Agriculture Peshawar
Keywords: Islamic State System, Islamic Defense System, Islamic Financial System


Most of the necessities of Human Lift are related to “wealth” whether it is direct or indirect. This is called “Resources” in other words. According to the Quran, the survival of human life depends on wealth. In Islam, along with financial system, the defense system is also important. If the financial system is good, then the defense system will also be good. Just as an Islamic State needs a strong financial system, so does a strong defense system. Whether, it is related to internal concerns or external concerns such as spending on forces. The reward of thirteen years of the Makki Era did not look, but after a few years, the reward of the same Era was given in the form of a Strong and Stable State of Madina.

After Hijra, you put the Mahajarren on Employment. Nabi (SAW) set the Equality between Mahajreen and Ansar. Meesaqe Madina fixed with Jews. These were just initial steps. Except these, In the Madani Era compared to Makki Era, the financial system exists in an organized and regular form. Then, the basis sources of financial systems for defense in Madina were, as they have a major role in the State Defense,like Zakaat, Sadqaat, Ushar, Jezia, Khiraj and Maale Ghaneemat etc.

