سرجری کی مختلف صورتوں کے جواز اور عدم جواز کا تحقیقی جائزہ

An exploratory review of the permissibility and impermissibility for various forms of surgery

  • Dr Muhammad Aziz Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Theology, Islamia College Peshawar
  • Shahkirullah Research Scholar, Department of Islamic Theology, Islamia College Peshawar
  • Dr.samiul haq Assistant Professor SBB University Sheringal Dir Upper
Keywords: Key Words: Surgery, Permissible, SharÊ´ah, Beauty


Surgery is neither inclusively permissible nor exclusively prohibited in Islam. Permissibility or impermissibility depends on its purpose and need. Where there is a sound purpose and actual need, permission will be given accordingly, otherwise no compromise and relaxation will be given. Additionally, it should be noted that in surgery, no body-part or organ of another human being or any other impermissible material should be used. Surgery should not be undertaken merely on the apprehension of risk; rather the fraction of benefit should be dominant over the possibility of harm. Sound purpose refers to eliminating defect and preventing sickness while actual need refers to non-existence of a permissible and easy substitute.

In light of these principles, surgery for fixing a cut lip is permissible for elimination of defect. An additional finger which causes harm can also be removed for prevention of harm. A youngster who is suffering from facial lines and winkles which causes such repulsiveness that no one agrees to marry him/her will be allowed based on prevention of harm. But in the case of an elderly person, such a surgery will not be permissible. Similarly, a youngster who undertakes surgery just to look more handsome will also not be permitted. This article analyzes this issue from various perspectives to elaborate the SharÊ´ah perspective on the issue.


