A Study of the Jurists’ Opinions about the Conditions of Marriage

  • Muneer Ahmed Chief Editor


Islam is a complete code of life. It throws light on every aspect of
human life. There is no perplexity which solution has not been given by Islam.
It has also discussed every piece of beliefs and ethics including human affairs
with each other. There is no faith comparable to Islam on the earth. Western
civilization and culture is at its peak. It has literally made people blind
followers of itself. That’s why they are producing new interpretations of Islam
in order to keep pace with the world. It is true that accepted wisdom is a
blessing but to the limits of Sharia. Otherwise it is a legacy of Shaytan (شیطان .(
Nikah is one of the most important and critical stage of human life. It has been
clearly discussed in Quran and Hadith. It is made mandatory for the
continuation of human life. It’s been referred as completion of human life and
one of the mandatory Sunna of Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم .(On the other hand, the
dissolution of marriage is one of the most disliked actions. However, Islam is
not like other religions. It has the complete course of action/laws of the
dissolution of marriage. Nikah, Talaq, Khula and Eela have been discussed
properly which are made more clear by the jurists by using Estihsan and
